I have been working hard for Minnesotans, our communities and our future at the local,  state, national and international levels for decades. I will especially work hard in serving  and addressing the needs of my constituents in Prior Lake, Jordan, Jackson Township,  Louisville Township, Sand Creek Township, parts of Shakopee, and Spring Lake  Township. 

Switching from being a Fortune 500 corporate auditor to improving government systems  to better serve Minnesotans and communities including where people work, learn, and  thrive – I’ve advocated for all at the Minnesota legislature and in Congress with bi partisan support. I covered the areas of: Affordable Healthcare; Affordable Housing;  Agriculture; Business & Commerce (local, State, National and International); Help and  Services for people of all ages and abilities, Education (world class), life-long learning opportunities; Jobs & Economic Development, Investments; Public Safety, Justice;  Services; State & local government working for you; Taxes working for you;  Transportation; Veterans, Military Affairs, and families; the list goes on.  

Originally from Hawaii, my family heritage of serving the United States since the 1900s  included veterans and military service in WWI, WWII and other US duties to protect our  democracy, our country, our states, our people, our future. My mission continues in  proving help where needed through improving policies, legislation and conditions  whereby communities, schools, businesses, other entities, and people thrive.

These include but are not limited to:

Lee for Minnesota